
The last day of a 3 day week -weekend for me, is almost over. May go scuba diving. I have a lot of anxiety regarding scuba diving, only because it has been so long. Josh tells me to rest assured that we have the skills, and I should trust myself. Easier said than done.In the past I have immediately done whatever needed doing to fix problems while underwater or otherwise....I mean, its only death by drowning. Last week I went to a tattoo parlor to get more ink down my side, and left a little upset. The guy drew something much too big., nice looking as it was, it did not look like the one I had.And he suggested I lose a few pounds. Which hurt. I had never been told that, honestly it changed my outlook on myself, but it was quite a hit. All in the same week that I was called "not compassionate." So I stay busy and workout all days that I do not work. Looking at working some other place not so far away. Studying TNCC. Medicating the dog, sin...