
Showing posts from April, 2012


It is the time again in WOW where people frantically run around started areas for eggs and other goodies. I'm there. It's good. I love noble garden. Although I spend most of my MMO time now on Aion, the holidays at WOW cannot be beaten. Children's week is soon as well, and that also is a feather I would like to stick in my hat. For you WOW'ers out there don't forget r/wow.

The NOW!

Music :Pandora!/stations/play/781295413477323596   Its fun plinky plunky music to put on, in the background Entertainment : While online, I have become addicted to reddit. Now what is reddit? Reddit is EVERYTHING. It jas posts from all over the world on everything from gardening to women, beadwork to fine art. I recommend Food Porn (food that makes your tummy grumble) House Porn( gorgeous house pics) Aww (cute animal pics) There is everything there. Unsolicited, and Uber up to date. There are plug ins like the reddit enhancement suit and never ending reddit to help you with the never ending addiction of baby owl pictures and videos that make you cringe and/or cry. It is a time waster. I go there often for MMO updates en' such. People we wish we were, but watch because they are so damn entertaining .   So....Felicia Day has a blog, called...the Flog. It is amazing. She is adora...

The Adventures of TinTin

As Easter weekend slides in, the man and I watched "the Adventures of Tin Tin" Although previoulsy thought by me to be a kids movie, I thoroulghy enjoyed. Perhaps because I am a kid at heart. The fun and adventure was entertaining, while the attention to detail was amazing. You get wrapped up in the pursuit and between Tintin and his dog Snowy, you feel like one of the crew. A surprisingly fun movie for both child and adult alike.

Tera the MMO

I was invited to try the MMO Tera, which was a fun little experience.  I made a slew of characters, none seem to fit my personality to a T, as I am spoiled by the character creation of Aion, but it was fun, I played an Elin, and was so distracted by her cuteness I did not get very far. Game play is relatively straightforward if you are comfortable with MMo's but you do a lot of your directional control with your mouse( I don't like that) and a lot of your fighting with your first and second mouse keys mapped to certain skills.  I had my fighting skill on 1 and healing on 2. Using the mouse to point and click things to death or life. It took some getting used to, I liked it when I learned how well it worked. The game itself id very pretty and story was, well, I don't know, engrossing in the opening scene. I didn't read the quests....... The characters have a tendency to get...distracting. Depending on what you make..... ...