Oil cleansing method and Coconut
Our faces, our skin, and how we clean them. Over the last few years, my skin started to break out and I have gone through a few changes. I have cleaned up my diet, removing a significant source of dairy from my coffee ( I don't pile on the half and half anymore) and that seemed to help. When I wash with just water ( a rinse really) my face feels dry. So, I am starting the oil cleansing method. Have no idea what I am talking about? I suggest going here ----? http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction If you don't know about Reddit yet, you should. Its a forum for everyone about everything. Want advice on anything? Or if someone has had the same issue as you and you want to know how it went? Go here. Its also a great place for what is really going on in the world. Its like Facebook for adults, and its where all the awesome comes from and is then distributed to Facebook and such. They have "subreddits" on everything. EV...