Halloween, we still had the motorcycle. We ate breakfast at McDonald's as we headed out to the abandoned 6 flags. (Don't get your hopes up, it was super boring). I started the morning with coffee, and almonds. We then headed out. There was a threat of storm while we were out gallivanting, but it was worth the risk. We hit a McDonalds before we crossed a long, empty,swamp area on the way to our destination. After breakfast we drove over the swamp to check out 6 flags. When we got there, we saw how closed it really was. Multiple fences and a guard at the closed gate. We drove around a little more to get pictures from the road with no success. After that, we decided to go back to town and some exploring again. Shopping on magazine street turned up a beautiful french bakery, where I got chocolate vanilla mouse , and Josh, his fresh lemon sorbet with a small bit of chocolate We hit bourbon street t...