
Showing posts from December, 2015
I am up and I am overcoming this virus. Now we are on the "cough up phlegm and shit stage" which is honestly much better than the "stuffier than shit" stage.   I have pulled out my old point shoes, and started doing warm ups with them, and the only thing that seems to dislike the plan is the burning in my right knee, but only when I stretch.  Tuesday, after work I plan on hitting the local ballet store  "Fuzi" and getting the Bloch Dramaticas that IO can't stop thinking about.   I did not go the gym today, as I do not want to give people this special sort of misery. Who wants to be sick all the time? My Tongue web piercing has healed at doesn't hurt anymore. Christmas was a hit. Life is awesome. Even with a cold I feel amazing.  But I digress. Does all that shit make me happy? Pointe shoes and healthy bodies? Well, no. I AM happy, these things bring me joy

The New year

I love the idea of a new year, and I hate it at the same time. It acts as a sticky note on the calendar where people remember " Oh shit, that's right, I should spend time on myself"......Really?  That's all you give yourself? A few minutes one day a year? And then berate yourself for the rest of the year about how you didn't actually follow through?  Do you know why you failed so hard?  Because you didn't put the time in. 100% Everyday. You didn't put yourself first.  That's right. Let that set in.  Now breathe, because it will be OK.   Failure is OK. It means you tried, and you get an opportunity to try again. So many times we act as though our life is over if we fail.  IT'S OK TO FAIL. ( A lesson I had a really hard time learning) .   Failure means you tried. What's worse, not trying or trying and learning from failure? Be kind to yourself, but at least give yourself some time. Time wo...