Feeling Better through Divine Surrender
What is divine surrender? This is the question that came to me this morning during prayers. I recently started saying morning prayers. I immediately start to judge myself for the word “prayer” as it is steeped in catholic connotation, for me, anyway. I have a strange relationship with God right now. More so, because of the thick layer of patriarchy that seems to come with that word. But I pray. I say morning prayers to the divine. "Why?" You may ask. It does amazing things for the feelings of anxiety that come up for me. I am , well no, I was a control freak. Controlling things ( or attempting to anyway) around me, to feel safe. Recently, with the ongoing hot mess of a political climate, and the ongoing pandemic, I have started to feel pretty powerless. That lead into a stint of, what I now see is depression. But never free, although depression sits at my morning table of feelings, it doesn’t contribute much to my life these days. I started reading a ...