Now, if you know me, you will know I am an avid gamer. If I didn't have to work and maintain my life, I would probably play video games all day long. I love the input. Steam offers a 2x a year sale
( summer and Christmas time) that is off the hook. As a computer gamer( I play console too, but it is getting spendy and stupid, more on that later) steam is amazing. You can purchase great games for wicked cheap and even gift them to friends either on steam or not. Makes gift giving SUPER EASY and again, inexpensive. Their catalog is thorough and there is also a long list of free to play and demo games.
Sales change everyday and you can vote on what you would like to have go on sale, so it's super important you are there.
And check out my wishlist if you want, buy me a game.
Did I also mention that if you try to gift a game to someone who already has it, steam will tell you? How cool is that? Games like Assasins cred, in a pack! Sims In a PACK!!! ( We Sims players know this is the best way to get it because it is so substantial with new expansions.) Also, If you take a game off your computer, you can just re-download it. I don't have enough room for all my games, but sometimes I like to go back and replay. No need to go burrowing for the disc.........See what I am saying?
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