Alabama Day 2 Morning

Good morning,
  I am up and fed. Coffee'd and sitting at the Center for Domestic Preparedness.

 The color guard was beautiful and very full of .....pride. This country really has a sense of nationalism which at first I was a little concerned about because of its almost religious overtones. But there is a purpose for it. The more strong in our country  the stronger we are in our fight. No matter what it is for. If only it didn't feel so hollow.

Dr. Keith Holtermann is speaking now and guides how hospitals and disasters should w. This country really work. Working together with our communities and creating relationships has become the lesson so far. I suppose I have trouble with that component only because of its lack of cemented rules. What do we do with these relationships? Below are my notes which are not very interesting.

My game plan for this will be ever changing as well as redundant. Although I feel that there is some pre work that needs to be done for the training's to be utilized best by our sites. 

1. Solidify safety captains or hospital champions and become more aware of attendance and agenda. Perhaps a yearly agenda? To see how things are going for the whole year. 

If regionally we are all to be the same, than safety captains need to be a dedication to disaster from all hospitals not just one or 2 now that we know that it works. 

2. Send managers and safety captains that have shown dedication to these classes. Create a process for these people to bring that information back to the sites. There is a bottleneck here in information where we send people  to training and do not utilize them to the best of their ability. Perhaps a managers meeting? Or for the departments that they are from? Anyway to dissipate the information to the rest of the hospital. 

3. Possible utilization of the mobile education.  We need to create a student population for this piece. 

Identifying who needs the training and how to best use them. 

These are just a few notes that I am taking as I journey through the symposium.

Requirements vs. personal development.
What is the training that is required?

The facilities are large and amazing. There are few expenses that are spared. The Ipad may seem like a serious expenditure but in the long run, it is significantly more cost effective. I love it. Although I am currently carrying a lot of technology now.

I was expecting to be bored, but it is a packed agenda all day long. Later we will get tours of the facilities. This is a great place.


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