Sitting in the coffee shop
So I am sitting in one of the best coffee shops in town, I have some time on my hands, and honestly I don't know what to do with myself. I should do some reading on nursing research, but music and writing feels better. I am waiting for my girlfriend, and drinking an epic vanilla spicy breve. The half and half is AWESOME.
I got my hair cut, and wonder, why, why when I take in a picture in with me and say" cut it like this" and it isn't complicated, it still doesn't happen?
Meh, I still look amazing.
I just want bangs like this
I got my hair cut, and wonder, why, why when I take in a picture in with me and say" cut it like this" and it isn't complicated, it still doesn't happen?
Meh, I still look amazing.
I just want bangs like this
Is this complicated?
Does the stylist hear another thing? Perhaps see something else?
Instead I get bangs like this
where did I go wrong?
Oh well. I suppose I learned a lesson of some sort.But what exactly?
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