Feria R48

I dyed my hair last night. A review of Feris R48

this is over last months dye job

Before pics

you can see it is pretty dark. 
Putting it together:
Easy as most. instead of a liquid it is a gel. It comes with the applicator bottle and color, as well as a small tube of "color boost" which looks damn near food coloring. As well as a small bottle of aromatic enhancer.(sniff goods) 3/5

This stuff is pretty smelly. The auromatic stuff helps only marginally.

Putting it together:
Average. Nothing special here. There are more things to put together.

This smells really  nice and makes the experience of home hair coloring a bit less painful.

Putting it on: The applicator is easy to use. The gel does not drip half as bad as the  average hair dye.

How it turned out:
Feria always makes my hair shiny. The color is as good as could be expected, over black hair.

Does it bleed:There is a step requiring 2 shampoos with the supplied products. It took the color off my scalp surprsingly. I expected it to be there for weeks. I have not washed enough for it to bleed, but towel drying left very minimal color.

How does my hair feel?

 Soft and super shiny. I love feria and loreal.

But needless to say, not much different than before......;( maybe next time. It is subtle and I like how it still looks dark. for a minute I thought I was going to look like a firework.;)


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