Tis the season to be....sick.

Ok, so who has a cold, or has had a cold in the last week?  You know, the sore throat that you ignore..........go to work Thursday, 

 and by Friday

Who remembers how miserable it is  WITH drugs on board?

So what do you  do? Treat the symptoms, a drink water and ALWAYS drug to sleep.

So Thursday it was a sore throat, Friday is what some minor uncomfortable muscle aches that went into congestion, this lead into MORE CONGESTION for Saturday.

I have been hard and fast with this stuff around the clock
and the twice a day neti pot.---->

So, I'm high, congested and Sunday evening lead to both a cough and congestion. Who needs to breath through their nose anyways?

Pinter est has offered me quite a bit of distraction as well as some brilliant ideas for continuing the combat, but my motivation is less than stellar after all these drugs. 
 I mean, really, why am I STILL SICK?


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