Chakras - Get your heal on.

I have been spending a lot of time on reflection and introspection. Currently I am doing research and work into the chakras.

 If you don't know a lot about chakras, they are energy centers distributed  in the body. Chakras need to be open, and balanced for a full and healthy life.

 I have decided to take one chakra every 3 weeks and research, meditate and try to understand what they are and how they compare.

 I did the root chakra at the beginning of December.

Root Chakra :

 Found at the base of the body, or the tailbone. Its where I visualize energy coming in and going out, rooting me into the world.

Emotions that can clog up this chakra is Fear.

 Releasing fear will help open this chakra.

 Color red.

 Simple mantra: I am.

My interpretation: The root Chakra is where we focus on survival, the idea of simply being part of the world. Living, and being alive.  If the body was a tree, it would root down into the world offering support. The universe wants you here.

Sacral Chakra: I am Me / I feel

 This is where we begin to find our individuality. How we take things in, how we feel about the world. If life was a forest, this would be the tree, the feeling of the leaves against the wind.

Emotions that clog up this chakra: Shame.

 I often get this chakra and the solar plexus chakra mixed up. How do they differ? In comparison to the solar plexus or heart chakra, this takes in feelings, how do we feel about the world. Imagine how you feel when you receive a compliment or see something that inspires you. Those feelings are what comes from the sacral chakra. How the world impacts us.

Solar plexus Chakra: I act

 This chakra focuses on how we impact the world. How we act on what we feel, and our energy out into the world.

 So if the Sacral Chakra is how energy comes into us, the Solar plexus chakra is how we put energy out into the world. An important part of this is our reactions  and outward motions to the world.

So there it is folks the 1st three chakras, and as I go through and meditate on the rest I will continue to update,


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