Self Love Advice-Living life

I fully believe that fear is a choice. Sometimes it can be really hard to feel as if you are in control of your own feelings, but when it comes to jealousy and fear of abandonment, you can either choose to use that as an excuse to stop you from doing what you want, or......choose to dig into those feelings, grow from them, and move on to a life that you want.

 Life is all about choices. From what you eat for breakfast to driving down the right way on the street. You don't have to do it. You don't have to do anything.

 Somethings have consequences that are not acceptable to you, but when you look at life as a series of choices, and stop saying " I have to go, because they are my family " or "I have to pay my bills" or " I have to go to work"................


 that isn't actually true. You don't have to go the family event unless you want to, and acting as if you "have to " only makes you a martyr to a life you don't actually want to live.

 If you are afraid of the disappointment that may come your way if you don't attend an event you don't actually want to go to........why? Why is it important?  If they love you, why does it matter?

 Start sticking up for who you are and what you want/ Be assertive and live for you.

 Don't be an asshole about, but don't use it as an excuse to continue to be unhappy.

If you decide to not go to work or pay bills, you lose your stuff, but its still a choice, If you don't want to lose your stuff, you want to pay your bills.

 I feel like we live in a culture where people don't want to look at the consequences of their behavior. I personally am not sure why........

 Life is yours. Take it.

If you are unhappy, look into why.

 What do you want?

 Be honest with yourself and take the time to actually answer the question.

 If you don't you only have yourself to blame.

 I personally have just decided that my jealousy was not enough to keep me from love any longer. It just loomed over me like a cloud, controlling my life. I didn't want to feel jealous, so I began to try to control my environment.

 That lead to unhappy friends and family. I later learned that my perspective was what needed to change.

  Did I actually think the people my husband would hang out with would somehow take away from our marriage? No, It was driven by fear and insecurity within myself of not being enough. I am enough. I always have been, I just couldn't see it. I was unhappy, and that was a choice,

 I sat down with myself and investigated what made me happy.  I honestly did not know as I had spent much of my life doing what I thought other people wanted.

 When I began to listen to my own desires and not judge who I was, I was thoroughly surprised at the amazing and compassionate person I was. Motivated to try anything, willing to change  my habits for happiness and researching the next resource to support me in my endeavor to learn and love me.

Its amazing what you will do when you have choice but you are afraid to take them .

Learning to love myself was challenging because it was so subjective. How do I feel today.......Uh, I don't know. Good I guess? I have coffee and job, that's happiness, right?

Wrong. I needed to learn more about myself, and so I turned to meditation.
This was amazing. I learned patience and mindfulness with myself, and I am so much happier. I am now in control of how I want to feel.

 Life is all about choices and I choose to shape my own life, love, and relationships.


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