
Showing posts from January, 2016

Daily reading

Saturday morning Tarot card read. Great message.

Ballet and life

Sometimes we need to have things that make us feel good. Remember that. - The rose and the thorn, and sorrow and gladness are linked together.   Saadi I am 2 weeks back into ballet and it is amazing. I was a bit frustrated last week as my knee was really bugging me, (tendinitis/chondromalacia) but, ultimately I just started physical therapy again and I will prevail. Between that and learning handstands And working on splits and taking care of my mind with meditation.  I am a big proponent of meditation as it helps calm the mind and give space for your thoughts.  This week I focused on staying away from rumination of failure, and making a plan for success. When a goal is measurable, it does not feel so nebulous and intangible. Ever feel overwhelmed by the things you want and feel you will never get them?  If you have measurable daily goals, you will see your succeess and be motivated by the progress you CAN SEE EVERYDAY. .

New Year

I am not a fan of "New Years resolutions" , never have been. I believe that you can choose to  always be working on improving yourself. Pushing past fears and barriers. Dreaming bigger and bigger. Taking what you want.  So, that is what I do. Every day, every week. New goals, new achievements.  And a life that I absolutely love. I am finally happy. I found it. ( not that it is something you "find" per se) No. happiness is not a destination, or something you "look" for, it is a state of mind you must choose to be in.  We are all in control of our minds, and its the belief that are not, that is detrimental. "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract.  What you imagine, you create. " -Buddha So, dream big, set your mind to it, and set small daily goals, and give yourself the time. YOU ARE WORTH IT. When we spend all our time being there for anyone else but us, it's a fundamental fear of not being " good enough...