New Year

I am not a fan of "New Years resolutions" , never have been. I believe that you can choose to  always be working on improving yourself. Pushing past fears and barriers. Dreaming bigger and bigger. Taking what you want.

 So, that is what I do. Every day, every week. New goals, new achievements.
 And a life that I absolutely love. I am finally happy. I found it. ( not that it is something you "find" per se) No. happiness is not a destination, or something you "look" for, it is a state of mind you must choose to be in.

 We are all in control of our minds, and its the belief that are not, that is detrimental.

"What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
 What you imagine, you create. "

So, dream big, set your mind to it, and set small daily goals, and give yourself the time. YOU ARE WORTH IT. When we spend all our time being there for anyone else but us, it's a fundamental fear of not being " good enough"
 but you are.  Any thought that is not in line with this belief is wrong. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

 ( and fundamentally people hold no value because they are priceless but american society really struggles with this idea)

 Put yourself first and you will take care of others better.

Get rid of the idea that this is selfish.

 Get rid of everything that doesn't make you feel joy in some way.
Get rid of "should"
Get rid of "have to"
Get rid of "obligation, and realize these are choices that you MAKE because the consequences are too much ( or are they?)

 Do something that scare you everyday and support yourself.

Good luck. You got this.


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