Video games "Mass Effect"

When the new "Andromeda" came out, my interest was piqued, and I decided I would replay the Mass effect series.

 Going back to Mass Effect "1",  I found, the game held up well. Really well. ( admit, my heart was tugged when I released the Rachni)

 Played through and was half into Masseffect 2, when my husband started to play Mass effect 3. We often play the same games at the same time, and this time, it was to my benefit that he was faster and more thorough than me. ( No judgement, he has more video game endurance than I do).

 We were discussing the games, and he told me, the resources from 2, transfer to 3, and in turn, my actions in 1 as well.

 And I hadn't retrieved all the resources from 1!

 So, much to my chagrin, I started 1 over and am playing with the slow and steady mindset of a determined gamer, I set out to not miss a thing.

 Initially, I thought it would be quite tedious, but the game play and characters are so good at enveloping you in the story. A trait I have seen in both Mass effect 1 and 2.

So I am playing Mass effect 1 again , and  I love it.


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