5 htp and Supplements

I renewed my membership to Costco. Initially, I was skeptical, until we walked through the medication section. Large bottles of Aleve, and supplements for a quarter of the price. My jaw dropped.

Yeah, It was worth it.

I spied a bottle of 5 htp, a supplement I have had my eye on and wanted to try. It states it helps increase serotonin.

 I have been on it for about 6 days, and I notice little differences. I don't needlessly snack. I get wrapped up in things I am doing and want to finish them before eating.
 No significant side effects, that I have noticed. I am not  over the wall with new enthusiasm ( although I have also been fighting a cold).

 The directions tell me to take 1-2 2x a day with food.

 I am currently on the lowest dose.

 I am going to continue to see if it helps ( the majority of it is more than likely psychosomatic, but I am really OK with that.  Most things are ;))


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