Float take 2

Float On 

My first float ( https://www.healthline.com/health/sensory-deprivation-tank#benefits) was February 1st, and it was amazing. I floated for 90 minutes,  and initially, I thought it would be way too long and I would get super bored, but as I settled in, my mind eventually calmed down.

   Now this article I attached which explains floating, states one of the side effects are hallucinations. I have not hallucinated. I have relaxed, I have fidgeted, I have worked through problems, I have focused on my breathing and became distracted by the sound of my own heart, but I have yet to hallucinate.

Why do I float?

    I get overwhelmed when a lot of things are happening, and my anxiety starts to creep up. Daily meditation helps, but this, this helps clear the palette literally and figuratively. I have nothing else to do during those 90 minutes. No distractions, Just me. My thoughts ( which can be intimidating if you are the type of person who stays busy to avoid processing what needs to be worked through ) and my choice to relax.

What was it like after?

  The first time I floated, I came out of the session pretty spacey. My partner and I decided to eat, and ease back into the plans for the day ( bad idea, do not go for errands after a float). we both experienced some trouble really focusing, but felt relaxed. This lasted for about 2 hours for him, and about 5 for me.
  This time around, I came out of the session, rejuvenated. Mentally, I was more relaxed and open to what the world had to offer. I stood outside the building admiring the beauty of the night, and how amazing the snow smelled. Colors were more vivid. I felt more focused, not less.
 That night  I slept well ( I generally always do)  and had dreams of my Mother ( she has passed- and we had a challenging relationship at times) and an old friend ( whom I miss dearly and although alive, is no longer in my life. I have many conflicting feelings about it. ). Clearly, my brain felt it was time to work through some old baggage.
 I got out of bed motivated to clean, focused on what I wanted to do with my life, and excited to take action. ( if only there was enough time in the day ;))

Ok, Give me the details

 My first float was 70 dollars, but I am in a monthly program and it is 60 dollars for one float a month. Initially, I scoffed, but after the first float, I signed up excitedly. I wanted this in my self-care regimen. So far, I believe I made a great choice.

Is this something I should do?

Now, I am not saying it is life-changing, but it has impacted me in a very positive way. 

Here are some more resources if you want to do your own research. 

Here is a gentleman who did it for 30 days. I like Reddit because you can get a wide range of personal experiences. 

Someone who may  disagree with me ( because I am not going to give you one side of the coin. that's bad journalism. )


This one is from a scientific source

Your experience may be different. I suggest trying it, regardless of what anyone says. If you are open to new experiences and learning what works for you ( and what doesn't work for you ) it may be a new tool for your self care bag. 

 Happy Healing and safe journeys!!


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