Lions Mane Mushroom does it do anything?

 Good day fellow readers and health upon you. 

 I started  taking Lions mane. 


Well, I have been taking a smaller dose for about 2 months and now am amping it up to the real deal. 

Since February 13 I have been taking 

5mg of creatine ( Creapure by Muscle feast)

2 tablets of Stamets 7 ( includes 143 mg of Lions mane

2 tablets of Mycobotanicals Brain (300mg of lions mane) 

and now LIONS MANE! ( 1 tab is 500 mg)=943 mg of Lions mane a day, starting today ( at 12:47pm, to be exact)

It is now 13:25. 


Does it help my concentration?

Does it impact the anxiety I feel ?


Will I finish my Book?


These are the questions I ask,  

Lets get after it then, and I will check in intermittently. 

Stay tuned!



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