
Showing posts from 2017

OMG! I am going on a cruise! ( The Pre- Research)

On a whim, my partner and I decided that our next vacation would be a cruise. ( Lies, We actually heavily debated it) When the idea came to mind, I had envisioned a hotel room floating to a destination. Piles of free food, drinks and all the entertainment at my fingertips. I love ships! And I was super excited to explore a floating metropolis.  We researched: We landed on this.     And so....we booked our first cruise. This is where it gets squishy.....    .We received an email stating we needed to have a passport that doesn't expire for 6 months after the cruise. What? Crap! Ours expire in 5! And we have less than a month to    -get updated passports. (Not going to happen) So, we went to department of licensing to get enhanced drivers license. They *may* show up in 3 weeks (that is a ...

Pregnancy and preboarding

5 htp and Supplements

I renewed my membership to Costco. Initially, I was skeptical, until we walked through the medication section. Large bottles of Aleve, and supplements for a quarter of the price. My jaw dropped. Yeah, It was worth it. I spied a bottle of 5 htp , a supplement I have had my eye on and wanted to try. It states it helps increase serotonin.  I have been on it for about 6 days, and I notice little differences. I don't needlessly snack. I get wrapped up in things I am doing and want to finish them before eating.  No significant side effects, that I have noticed. I am not  over the wall with new enthusiasm ( although I have also been fighting a cold). via GIPHY  The directions tell me to take 1-2 2x a day with food.  I am currently on the lowest dose.  I am going to continue to see if it helps ( the majority of it is more than likely psychosomatic, but I am really OK with that.  Most things are ;))

Face Wash review

+Face wash. Lately, I read through reddit's ,"Skin care addiction" and became overwhelmed. So many products to use each day! I wanted a face wash that wouldn't dry my skin, and would be enjoyable to use. I previously leaned towards Aveda as their products are really a great experience but switched when I doscovered they were ran by Estee Lauder and they are no longer cruelty free ( Fear not, here is a great website for cruelty free products ( I am now using this  Burts bees deep pore scrub ,   This is smooth, with fine particles, and does not dry out my face. Amazing, and nice to use in the morning. The gentle smell of peach wakes  me up, and I know that I am being kinder to my face and furry friends, 

Video games "Mass Effect"

When the new "Andromeda" came out, my interest was piqued, and I decided I would replay the Mass effect series.  Going back to Mass Effect "1" ,  I found, the game held up well. Really well. ( admit, my heart was tugged when I released the Rachni )  Played through and was half into Masseffect 2, when my husband started to play Mass effect 3. We often play the same games at the same time, and this time, it was to my benefit that he was faster and more thorough than me. ( No judgement, he has more video game endurance than I do).  We were discussing the games, and he told me, the resources from 2, transfer to 3, and in turn, my actions in 1 as well.  And I hadn't retrieved all the resources from 1!  So, much to my chagrin, I started 1 over and am playing with the slow and steady mindset of a determined gamer, I set out to not miss a thing.  Initially, I thought it would be quite tedious, but the game play and characters are so good at envel...

Day 4 New Orleans-A Walk to Poncha....Ponciah...Lake Panciatrain

Another beautiful day in New Orleans. We decided to shop, and walk the city. So we headed to lake Panciatrain , A few miles from our BnB, the walk was a beautiful way to take in the city.   We found people doing Yoga, talking, eating lunch, but overall, pretty quiet.  A little blogging in the morning....;) And ANOTHER lunch at Felipes .   I cannot speak enough about these burritos.  Overall, New Orleans, is just a great place to go and hang out.