40 days of Ganesha 21-30
Welcome readers!
Well, today as I write is
Day 25/Feb 26: The weeks are flying by per usual.
The last few days have been rough, but I intermittently get some chanting in.
Whats new?
My weight is fluctuating between 155 and 156, but my body weight is still at 29%( no idea why, the only change that makes sens is the addition of creatine.)
On a side note. i have been ridiculously sore the last few weeks, of working out every other day ( Mon,wed,fri) and only lately have I got my sleep under control. ( My malamute likes to go outside a lot at night-
How I love my little chunkin'all 72 lbs of himANYWAYS:
Update, I can do pullup, ( its messy though)
I have lost 10% body weight
I have started Creatine
I have also received an Apollo Neuro, which I use the shit out of and it helps immensely. ( More on that in another writing)
I have started working on my fiction again
and yesterday, I started working with the RPdiet app on macros ( just the free trial)
On a mental and emotional note, I have been focusing on being relaxed (thanks Natalie Dormer-you're hot as hell)
for that law of attraction hit.
Things feel like they are going swimmingly in most areas of my life.
I have big plans to clean my desk this weekend, so it would appear the barriers in my life are dissipating.
March 3/ Day 30- I have a new sit stand desk! Thank goodness. What a nice change of pace.
I am still working out and attempting to clean up my diet, although yesterday, I ate a huge cheeseburger, and it was excellent.
I started reading "Super Attractor" by Gabrielle Bernstein
Not much else in the way of life changes, although I do feel a lot lighter this last weekend. Emotionally ,physically, spiritually. Is this spring?
So the big changes that came from it,
1. I found a lot more choices and creative solutions to make eating healthier easy. I still need my snacks, but I am way more attentive to my bodies needs. My eating healthy barrier is not gone per se, but eating healthier is easier.
2. I can do a pullup.
3. I started to take my morning routine a little more seriously. I take protein in my coffee, started creatine, and my collagen and mushroom supplements everyday like clockwork. When I started bundling habits together ( coffee,creatine and working out , emails and supplements) everything clicked into place.
4. I am still reading super attractor, and even started reading in the morning before getting out of bed. Not just anything, something inspiring.
5. I am way more aware of my patterns and what works for me, vs. trying to force shit that doesn't bring me joy. I love my coffee and it helps me get into the groove for working out, so I paired it with working out. I weighed myself and didn't lose any weight , but lost a bunch of body fat per my scale after starting creatine. I'm done weighing myself. It doesn't give a good example of my health and I am tired of being let down by the number, but I do measure my waist, chest, thighs, shoulders and arms for gains/loss.
Yes. Doing the GUM mantra repeatedly for 40 days did release barriers to fitness I didn't even know existed. It was easy, and I am grateful I did it.
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