40 Days of Ganesha Day 1-10


 I am doing a 40 day practice of the mantra " Om Gum Ganatapeya Namaha"


My intention: to become my highest self( pretty vague but its the best I could do)  

Sub intention: Release 5 lbs of fat/be strong as fuck/DO A PULLUP

Starting Feb. 2 ending March 14


 Day 1/FEB 2:  read somewhere that our external environment is a mirror of our internal environment, and today, I kept wording about how I needed to clean house.

 But perhaps, I need to solve my anxiety and the house cleaning will work out next?

So, Over the next month, I will work on my "being present" practice". Especially when I am anxious.

 Because, why am I anxious? The question of the day, week, year ( and it has been quite a year) 

See what happens when you sit and meditate on your breath for a minute? Epiphanies happen.

Its like, hope is at the end of all these worries and its just trying to get up to me, and the queue is cleared when I meditate and/or get present.  

Day 2/Feb3: Epiphanies with my therapist 

Day 3/Feb 4: A huge shift in a relationship with a friend- listening to a book from the library about "Essentialism"

Day 4/Feb 5: This rabbit hole about simulation theory :  https://getpocket.com/read/2689991475


Need some guidance? https://dsamh.utah.gov/pdf/2016%20Trauma%20Academy/Higher%20Self.pdf

The day is strange energetically,but I am compelled and mindfully thinking about what I want in my life and why. 

It all comes down to feeling. Wanting to feel more passionate, more confident,more relaxed. To make life effortless.

Day 5/Feb 6:  UP at 6 am, despite  a pretty rough nights sleep. (46 minutes between 8:32 and 9:51 and 3:hours and 30 minutes between 2  am and 11).

0822: Still feel good. 


 (( Is my dog facilitating a polyphasic sleep schedule? Perhaps)

But is less sleep better? Essential ism would say no. 

                                      Baron Vladimir Barkonnen- My Alaskan Malamute

I feel pretty good. Made a cup of half calf and started playing Cyberpunk 2077. 

I am motivated, and energized. 



I made it to 8pm with only a small 15 minute nap at about 3pm. Surprising how much easier things are when I just believe I can fall asleep. My brain is an efficient little beast. 


Although, the timeline is starting to feel a bit off kilter. Maybe a timeline shift?

Day 6/Feb 7: UP at 5:33 to start work,feeling pretty good despite falling asleep after midnight. ( Thanks Baron)

I started listening to a book on essentialism while I chored around the house. 

Spoiler alert: I am 80% to a pull up. A full pull up. 

Day 7/Feb 8: I got 8 full hours of sleep with a fitbit sleep score of 85. So why do I feel so sludgy this AM?

Maybe, less sleep. But better sleep is what I need. Or maybe I am just looking for something to place problems on because I cannot fundamentally just accept myself. 


Day 8/Feb 9: More essential ism: and this gem about Yes and No

Day 9/Feb 10: Started actually using some of the skills I learned from "Essentialism" specifically how to start saying no. I also took some time off because I felt miserable , and I took an Epsom salt bath and took a hard nap. 

I started writing my novel again. I am genuinely curious how the book will end. 


Day 10/Feb 11: Took half the day off because I felt so miserable ( 4 hours of sleep and sore from working out #Boxing


Will I make 40 days? Will I do my Pull-up? Will I drop 5lbs? Will I become enlightened?


Still on the docket: Why I keep wanting to try polyphasic sleep and not doing it?? As of 2/8/21, I have a bit of an answer. I am resistant to life flow, which is trying to facilitate a polyphasic sleep schedule but my core belief that I will become a hot-mess without 8 full, UN-interrupted hours of sleep is getting in my way. 

I need a new core belief about sleep. 



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