
Showing posts from November, 2017

OMG! I am going on a cruise! ( The Pre- Research)

On a whim, my partner and I decided that our next vacation would be a cruise. ( Lies, We actually heavily debated it) When the idea came to mind, I had envisioned a hotel room floating to a destination. Piles of free food, drinks and all the entertainment at my fingertips. I love ships! And I was super excited to explore a floating metropolis.  We researched: We landed on this.   <-----the beach="" carnival="" cruise="" from="" iracle="" long="" mexico.="" p="" ship="" to="">  And so....we booked our first cruise. This is where it gets squishy.....    .We received an email stating we needed to have a passport that doesn't expire for 6 months after the cruise. What? Crap! Ours expire in 5! And we have less than a month to